A lot has been going on recently, but I've still got time for knitting! I've finally gotten around to finishing this star pillow I've got on the right, but I didn't keep enough spare thread with it, so I only got about half way with the seams, so I'll have to dig through my stash for the rest of the blue thread. The worst part is knowing that it's technically there, but not knowing exactly where. So, I will spend the week periodically looking for the rest, and when I finally find it, I can check another project off my UFO list.

I finally blocked my Maile Sweater (Rav link and blog link) and I think it came out really well. At first I wasn't sure it would still look as sweet in purple, but it definitely does, so that makes me quite happy.

I was also working on a new shawl, which I almost finished last night, but i dropped a stitch and had to rip back a repeat, so slow going there.
I'm also still working on the pdf for my latest pattern, so I'll be posting that shortly as well

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